quinta-feira, setembro 30, 2010

Gone with the Wind

Gone with the wind, Gone like a leaf that has blown away.
Gone with the wind, my romance has flown away.

Yesterday's kisses are still on my lips,
I had a lifetime of heaven at my fingertips.

But now all is gone, gone is the rapture that thrilled my heart.
Gone with the wind, gone is the gladness that filled my heart
Just like a flame, love burned brightly
Then became an empty smoke dream that has gone,
Gone with the wind.Gone with the wind

terça-feira, março 02, 2010


Pronto, enchi o saco de ficar pagando dominio pra esse blog, afinal, ele é uma coisa muito mais pessoal, eu só escrevo merda aqui mesmo (quando escrevo) e não vale R$30,00 por ano, hahau. Voltei ao edner.blogspot.com.. até que é bonitinho.